God is good.
Today our dog, Rocco, died.
Sometimes it's tempting to think that the previous two statements cannot both be true at the same time, that they are somehow inconsistent. Perhaps you may have two seemingly contrary statements in your life that aren't about dogs but are about losing a job, raising a difficult child, or burying a loved one. When loss or hurt or pain hits us, it is tempting to question God's goodness.
Yes, it is most certainly true that today our dog died. I was with him. We buried him. The vet was kind enough to confirm his passing both mechanically and with a stethoscope. There is no question in my mind that Rocco is no longer alive here on earth.
Nevertheless, it is also most certainly true that God is good.
Today, I am equally, if not more convinced of this truth. There were so many unexpected blessings today. We did not wake up knowing that today was our last day with our faithful Rocco, yet my day was filled with kindness...from the sweet friend who forgave my abrupt departure to take Rocco to the vet, to the technician who gave me a real hug and comforted my dog, speaking sweet words over him, to the vet herself who was so gracious and loving, going the extra mile to care for me, too.
God again answered my prayers, just as he did when our other dog, Dante, died. Rocco could have died yesterday while I was out all day and Peter was at work, or tomorrow, when we will be out again. Instead, he died today, when the entire family was together. He could have died last week, when the ground was hard and the wind was biting. Instead, he died today, when the sun was shining and the sky was clear enough to dig a grave.
This is the second grave my boys have dug within a year. There is something about digging a grave that turns a boy into a man. Even that act of service affords me something for which to offer thanks. I have the gift of keeping my kids at home and doing life with them...even the hard things in life can be moments of great growth. My kids could have been in school today, but they were home, with me. We canceled school and instead learned more important lessons.
Rocco was one of the sweetest dogs I ever knew. I remember housebreaking him as a puppy, and all it took was one correction, and he learned to go outside. He was smart and so eager to please. When our youngest was born, Dante was clearly done with child-rearing, so Rocco stepped up and took over. He would keep an eye on the baby and always made sure to sound the alarm when people came over to visit.
Several months ago, Rocco was diagnosed with diabetes. Each morning and evening, Peter and I would test his sugar and administer insulin. It was a privilege to serve him in this way, and our children were able to see what it means to remain faithful. One of my prayers was that Rocco would not develop the cataracts that are so prevalent among diabetic dogs. God answered that prayer, too! Rocco's blue eyes could see clearly up until the end.
Today our dog, Rocco, died, but this sadness does not affect God's goodness. Rather, it is in these moments of grief that we have the opportunity to look around and find the good, to search for hidden blessings. We will almost always find what we look for.
Yes, God is still good. He is not good because of things that happen. He is good despite them.