Monday, October 27, 2014

The Call....

Well, it finally happened. Our family is about to change. Friday morning we were three, and by Friday evening we were seven. Yes, you read that We couldn't be more excited, overwhelmed, nervous, overwhelmed, grateful, and did I mention...overwhelmed?!? :) (Thank God we already have a van!)

On Friday at nearly 4pm, the house line rang. We hardly ever answer that line, but I was waiting for a call from our pediatrician. Figuring she dialed our home number in error, I went inside to answer.

One the other end of the line was the caseworker for four children who were the subjects of a matching meeting that day. She called to tell us that we were chosen as the forever family for these four precious children - three girls and a boy. I had to ask her to repeat herself because I was afraid I didn't hear her correctly.

There's not much else to tell at this point except to ask for your prayers. We will spend the next month or two traveling for visits and transitioning our new children into our home. In addition to having to construct a wall to divide one of our upstairs bedrooms into two, we will have to purchase furniture and other items, and even more importantly, will have to make all sorts of decisions including schooling ones as well as holiday ones, etc. So, the best thing all of you can do for us is to pray and encourage us.

We couldn't be more excited to see what God has in store for our ever growing family. He has truly heard the cry of my heart and is blessing us beyond our wildest dreams.

Monday, October 13, 2014

Mother writes letter to child she plans to abort

Did you hear about the mom who wrote a letter to the baby she plans to kill? It's heart wrenching. She knows what she is doing, but she is afraid. Her letter has attracted all sorts of reactions from both sides of the debate. 

I have a different reaction. It's not a novel one by any means, but it is one that isn't heard enough by the pro-life crowd.

What if, instead of condemning this mom for her fearful choice, we offered to help her? What if, instead of judging her, we lovingly showed her another option?

What if we walked the walk in addition to talking the talk?

What if we all said to all moms considering abortion: give your babies a chance at life. 
I will hold your hand while you cry. 
I will listen while you talk through your options and share your fears.
I will offer you shelter when your parents kick you out of the house and your boyfriend abandons you. 
I will buy you some diapers.
I will babysit when you go to school or work.
I will talk to the adoption worker with you.
I will take a birthing class with you.
I will be there with you in the hospital.

What would happen if someone said to this mother, "I will raise your child as my own, and will love and provide for him/her, always making sure that you can share in the experience of loving this life inside you"? 

I will.

Who will join me?